Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cool Best Car For Girls images today

Some cool best car for girls images today:

This is Chaparral [Kendra][Day364]*
best car for girls

Image by Chapendra
1] I was a Girl Scout for many years, a lot of good craft parties, community activism, but the outdoors piece that I saw what Boy Scouts did was missing so I quit. I wanted to go canoing, backpacking and such.
2] Most my childhood I spent many years getting tested, pulled out of classes for special therapy, etc for seeing if I was Autistic or if I had Aspergers Syndrome. The day the tests finally all added up and I didn’t have either was one of the best days of my life, my Dad finally realized maybe, I’m just intellectual and not ‘typical’. My Mom knew it all along yet, a lot of my childhood was taken away by being pulled away from my friends.
3] One of the most embarrassing moments in my life was when my Dad confronted me in front of some friends if I was cutting myself because I had a cut on my arm. I resisted him looking at it because I was ashamed that he’d confront me infront of my friends that way. This was from a cutting with a knife doing a art project and it wasn’t even more than a scratch. I was thirteen, and I spent the next day in the hospital, a Monday after a holiday weekend. The wait was long and I remember begging my Dad, let’s just go home, but he was determined was suicidal so we waited for nearly six hours for a old lady, bitchy and angry because she had to see me on her break, telling me I was depressed when really I wasn’t.
4] If I could go anywhere in the world, a lot of places I would go but I would pick Egypt first. I’m paranoid by the time I get money, a renewed passport and able to go, everything will be "gone".
5] The last time I was in a church was Fall 2005 for a retreat. I have faith, in some form, but it isn’t involved in a church or with others.
6] Yo, doods, I be a lifetime member of the NRA. National Rifle Association. I guess that is what you get when your Dad owned a gunshop.
7] The great college decision major scares me.
8] I super love asparagus and I think it could be my favorite food. Wait, chicken wins all.
9] I deeply miss racing BMX and motocross, along with playing soccer.
10] If I could go back in time, I would soak up the opportunity of meeting Ronald Reagan.
11] If I ever decided against living car free, I would drive a Volvo.
12] My favorite band is Nirvana and I love getting compliments that people say I remind them of Kurt Cobain [it is the hair].
13] I have a huge love for turtles and camels.

Tags:best, Cool, girls, images, today


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